What is Weekend Services Collective?

Weekend Services Collective (WSC) is a ministry to help growing churches improve all aspects of their weekend services.

Let’s break it down.

WSC is a ministry. Someday, it may be a full-time ministry, but for right now, Steve and Angela Rouse both work full time jobs. Steve sells medical devices to hospitals and surgery centers. Angela Rouse is an educator in the Clarksville – Montgomery Schools. Alexis is a freshman at Liberty University. We also have many other people who are part of the team as often as they can be.

WSC exists to help growing churches. We are not at all interested in helping churches who are focused on keeping the members happy by improving the music or sermons a little bit. We believe that the church exists to see people learning about Jesus, making a decision to follow Him, and then growing in their walk with Him. If your church wants to reach the community and guide people on their journey of faith, then we would probably be a great fit. If you are satisfied with the people who already attend and actually don’t like to reach out to invite others, for whatever reason, then we probably will not be a fit at all.

WSC desires to improve all aspects of the weekend services. We have a music team and just finished recording a new project. We would love to work with your team as you prepare the worship and then sing with them. But we are just as excited to observe the flow of your service “from parking lot in to parking lot out” and give feedback on parking, greeting, signage, lobby, auditorium, audio, video, lighting, announcements, the sermon, and how you close your service.

Giving feedback is only the beginning. We are excited about long-term engagements with local churches. The first weekend, or phone calls, or even lunch is all about getting to know you and the team. We will co-author a customized coaching plan that allows you to learn in the areas where you identify you need to learn. We could come back for several weekends, do coaching over Zoom calls, or do a conference for you and your team. If you need worship or sermon “fill-in” help, that’s totally fine as well.

It’s not because we are smarter, more talented, or more creative than you or your team. It’s simply because of our journey. We have served in many different churches – both size and style. We have been part of topical preaching and expository preaching as well as traditional services, blended worship, and contemporary. We have organized, recruited, led, preached, planned, and prayed. We’ve helped transitioned from “however the Holy Spirit leads” to a structured, prepared service flow and then back to a sense of balance that still has flexibility.

Our team has been on large stages and small stages. We have succeeded in some big ways but failed in many more. Some of our ideas have worked, but some have been all out disappointments. Ask us sometime about “One Service Sunday” or “the 1:00 pm service.” Not. Good.

We have been fortunate to attend conferences at leading churches and to have these leaders mentor us personally. The benefit to you and your team will be hearing what worked as we were part of a fast-growing church, but also to hear what we would do differently if we could go back and try again.

This is something we know God has burdened us to do. Most churches want to offer a better service, but aren’t sure if that means new songs, new talent, different service times, or even a new building.

We are passionate about working with what you have. Your vision, your people, your facilities, and your community – this is where we will help you start from and grow the vision God has given you.

Coaching ministries are not new. Attending conferences is not new. But bringing in a team to work specifically on your weekend church service could be something you haven’t tried yet. 

You’ve probably attended a conference, been excited, and then attempted to share with your team what you learned and what you’d now like to do. That can be tough to accurately communicate and implement.

If we are successful, our prayer is that you feel like you were able to bring the conference to you this time. Your entire team can now fully engage, ask questions, receive gentle feedback, and be part of developing a plan that understands where you are, who you feel called to reach that you haven’t reached yet, and the best way to get there.

Look through our website www.weekendservices.org and see if you think we would be a help to your church. WSC would love to talk to you and talk about where you see yourselves getting started!

Steve Rouse